Energy Efficiency
Audits and Optimization

  • Understand and control your energy expenses in your buildings
  • Know how to improve your energy performances
  • Save money and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions
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Power Plant
Design and Engineering

Specialty: Wood Energy

  • Develop competitive energy production projects
  • Take advantage of comprehensive, top-of-the-line technical services
  • Get assistance at every stage of your project
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Technical Assistance & Technical and Engineering Personnel Placement

  • Streamline implementation and coordination of your projects
  • Take advantage of services provided by highly trained staff
  • Save on hiring specialized personnel
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Energy Efficiency
Audits and Optimization

For anyone who owns or manages sizeable real estate assets, the energy costs of buildings are a major concern. Many of the problems that cause huge losses are easy to fix.

  • Audits of current systems and energy costs
  • Recommendations for improving the overall energy system
  • Calculation of the potential profitability of applying recommendations
  • Maintenance audits
  • Identification of steps to take to optimize maintenance
  • Follow up on implementation of recommendations
  • Monitoring of energy consumption and energy efficiency objectives
  • Periodic reports with recommendations for ongoing improvements
Get back in control of your energy consumption

Power Plant
Design and Engineering

Energy production facilities represent significant business opportunities and can be a good source of profits, provided they are well designed and managed. Whatever the power plant type—cogeneration, trigeneration, geothermal, biomass, methanization, solar, wind, etc.—our teams have the expertise to guide you to success.

  • Detailed feasibility, technical, and preliminary design studies
  • Assistance evaluating proposals and preparing and negotiating contracts
  • Direct work management and coordination at the worksite
  • A-to-Z assistance tailored to your specific needs
Tell us about your business opportunities

Technical Assistance
& Technical and Engineering
Personnel Placement

Energy production facility commissioning? Reliability run period? Major maintenance outage? Take advantage of our outsourcing service to reinforce your temporary labour needs.

  • Facility startup (construction & commissioning engineers)
  • Maintenance project coordination
  • Project execution follow up
  • Owner’s shift operation assistance for industrial reliability run
Find out about all our available resources

Best Energies is a global engineering firm specialized in power engineering

Founded in France in 1991, our firm seeks to optimize and maximize the profitability of the energy systems of our clients in the public and private sectors that use or produce power. We work with any large-scale property assets—commercial, residential, or industrial.

Our team is fully committed to generating results through our bold approach: where possible, we adjust our fees based on the savings we are able to achieve instead of charging fixed rates.

City of Honfleur, France

Project management support for an energy performance contract

27 % savings on energy consumption (-2400 thermal MWh/year)


Fleury-les-Aubrais, France

Complete overhaul of a power plant (fuel conversion), revamping of cogeneration system, creation of a biomass power plant and extension of the district heating network

  • - Commissioning and service start-up compliance to deadlines for: new gas cogeneration workshop and power plant revamping
  • - Heating Network in operation since January 2013

Kaluga, Russia

City district heating optimization study (service delegation contract and energy performance enhancement)

  • - Comprehensive prospective report on potential issues
  • - Work in progress


Realization of a heating network, supplied by recovery of waste heat produced by the EDF electrical power plant

Circa 4 MW of thermal power recovered from unavoidable end-energy produced by the electrical power plant of EDF

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